NEWS – The latest in AITI
SAFETY: An AIT Workshop With Asha Clinton, developer of AIT. Next January 29 and 30, 2022. Online workshop. More info HERE
Treating Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Preliminary Case Report ELizabeth Pace, AIT Practitioner, published this article in the International Journal of Healing and Caring. Read it HERE
Orientation and Self-care in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Application of Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) Trauma Treatment for Psychotherapeutic Practitioners By Dr Asuka Yamashina

Online AIT Teacher training in english
Our AIT Teacher Ruth Córdova will be giving the AIT Teacher Training in English, online, starting on January 2020.
Happy New Year 2020 May your 2020 be a year in which your traumatic load gets smaller because it is being treated. A message from AITI Board for this 2020.
Online AIT Teacher training in spanish
Our AIT Teacher Ruth Córdova will be giving the AIT Teacher Training in Spanish, online, starting on September 6, 2019.
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First AIT Basics Seminar in France
AITI is pleased to announce the release of the first promotion and the first 11 AIT therapists trained in France, this past June 2019.
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PTSD Seminar in London
Asha Clinton, developer of AIT, taught the AIT PTSD Seminar in London UK, this past June 13, 14 and 15, 2019.
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AIT Humanitarian Team visit Alotenango
The AIT Humanitarian Aid Response Team in Guatemala visited the communities affected a year ago, by the Volcán de Fuego tragedy.
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AIT Presence Seminar in Mexico A group of AIT therapist recieved the AIT Presence Seminar with AIT teacher and supervisor Ruth Cordova.
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Teacher training in spanish AIT Teacher Ruth Cordova, will be teaching the AIT Teacher Training in Spanish, starting on September 2019.
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AIT Basics in New Mexico Asha Clinton, developer of AIT taught the AIT Basics Seminar in New Mexico, Albuquerque.
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AIT Basics in Guatemala Flor María de Palencia, taught the AIT Basics Seminar in Guatemala City, Guatemala this past April fo 2019.
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An important award for Asha Clinton During the 21st International Energy Psychology Conference, Asha Clinton received an important award.
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Ruth Cordova taught a class about AIT Our AIT Teacher Ruth Cordova, taught a class on the Modern Mystic shop, in Atlanta, about Transpersonal Energy Psychology.
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Asha Clinton and Lissa Rankin in California. This past April, Asha Clinton, developer of AIT, and Lissa Rankin, best seller author, joined forces to teach a combined workshop in California, USA.
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AIT Presence Seminar in Guatemala
AIT Teacher and supervisor Ruth Cordova taught the AIT Presence Seminar in Guatemala.
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New AIT Practitioners in El Salvador
Michelle Binford and Cristina Martinez Olivé taught the AIT Basics Seminar in San Salvador.
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AIT Basics Seminar with Asha Clinton
Read all the information about the AIT Basics with Asha Clinton in the 21st International Energy Psychogy Conference in Albuquerque, NM.
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Holiday Blessings.
The Board of Directors of AITI and I wish all of you and yours a wonderful winter holiday time and a new year filled with growth, expansion, love and joy.
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Please send us a donation now.
See AITI achievements in 2018 and help AITI achieve our goals for 2019. Please send us a donation now.
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VIDEO: Facebook Live with Asha Clinton This past November 17th, Asha Clinton, developer of AIT, presented an introduction to AIT with a Facebook Live. Enjoy this presentation again.
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VIDEO: Facebook Live with Asha Clinton This past November 10th, Asha Clinton, developer of AIT, presented an introduction to the Cancer Seminar with a Facebook Live. Enjoy this presentation again.
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Facebook Live with Asha Clinton This Saturday, November 10, at 10:00 AM EST, Asha Clinton will be presenting an introduction to Asha’s newest seminar, AIT Cancer Prevention and Treatment.
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First ONLINE Basics Seminar Asha Clinton, MSW, PhD, the developer of AIT, will be teaching an online AIT Basics Seminar in English this January 2019. You will leave each day of the seminar ready to treat your clients with what you learned that day.
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NEW EDITION: The AIT Core Belief Book We are excited to introduce a brand new Core Belief Book that you can buy digitally and/or in a printed version. This new version was just published on October 2, 2018.
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AIT conferences in Guatemala Flor de Maria Palencia, AIT Therapist and Teacher, was invited as a speaker, to the III Psychology Conference in the San Carlos University of Guatemala, located in Cobán Alta Verapaz.
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New shelters in Alotenango The survivors of the volcano tragedy in Alotenango, Guatemala, have new shelters to stay in with their families. From this new place, these people keep receiving help and therapy from the AIT Humanitarian Group every Friday.
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New AIT Practitioners in Guatemala This last weekend, Stella Viaud and Flor Maria Palencia taught the AIT Basics Seminar in Guatemala City. 10 new practitioners are now ready to work with this gentle and wonderful therapy.
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Peace and Love in Alotenango After 3 months of the volcano crisis in Guatemala, the AIT Humanitarian Team still works every Friday in Alotenango.
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After trauma, peace becomes possible After the tragedy, an exceptional group of AIT Therapists joined together to provide free therapeutic assistance to the deeply traumatized survivors. Every Friday, beginning with the week of the tragedy, this group mobilizes to assist and accompany the survivors of the volcanic eruption.
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Healing the Guatemala Trauma with AIT Every Friday, the AIT Response Team in Guatemala, travels to Alotenango, near Volcan de Fuego. They are already familiarized with the people and their stories. The works continue.
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AIT Fundamentals Seminar in Guatemala City Flor María de Palencia and Ruth Cordova, both Psychologist and AIT Therapist, taught in Guatemala City the AIT Fundamentals Seminar for 35 psychologists, who are working with survivors from the volcanic eruption in this country.
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The AIT Cancer Prevention and Treatment Seminar In June, Asha Clinton, AIT’s developer and the Advanced Integrative Therapy Institute’s founder, taught this seminar in London (UK) to rave reviews. She will teach it again in New Orleans this coming October 5-8. It is in your highest interest both as an AIT practitioner and as a person, to attend.
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The AIT team in Guatemala continues working in the Village of Alotenango. They are treating survivors from the volcano crisis. Giving them therapy, support, help and love.
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Basics Seminar in Guatemala – June 2018 On June 29 was the AIT Basics Seminar in Guatemala City, Guatemala. This is a picture of the group of the new AIT therapists. The teachers were Flor de María Palencia and Stella de Soundy.
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