You have to learn/experience this amazing work …to know its power. For years I have been working at integrating the spiritual and psychological paths…Your work is the best integration I have experienced so far.
Carol Ribner, MA, M.Ed.
Seemorg Matrix Work® has taken me to a very deep level of healing the traumas which led me to symbiotic relationships with family members. It feels as though the structure of my psyche is being literally straightened out. In my work with clients, Seemorg Matrix Work® is alleviating pain and suffering they’ve had for years, from OCD and clinical depression, for example. With much praise and gratitude.
Dorothy Boghdan, LCSW.
The first time I was diagnosed with cancer 18 years ago, I remember feeling, even after a successful treatment that kept me in remission for 14 years, that there was “something left in my body.” Although I was in therapy at the time, I knew that there was something that was left untreated; I just didn’t know what it was or where to find it. When the cancer surfaced again four years ago, I again felt that there was more going on than cells going haywire. I didn’t know it then, but I was right. When my cancer appeared as a metastasis to bone and lung lining four months ago, I knew that I had to find out and heal that “feeling left in my body;” otherwise, I would have to deal with a disease that recurs within shorter and shorter intervals and is more devastating each time. Thank God for AIT!!
It is absolutely state of the art – a truly inspired, in-depth approach to personal transformation.
Patricia Carrington, Ph.D.
As a depth psychotherapist specializing in long term treatment for over two decades, I view Seemorg Matrix Work® as a stunning breakthrough in psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy. Dr. Asha Clinton’s extensive training and clinical experience in psychoanalytic psychotherapy permeates a treatment methodology that might be best characterized as the first depth psychotherapy to harness the principles of post-Einsteinian quantum mechanics in service of healing the psyche. Her uncanny way of combining psychodynamic wisdom and findings from the field of traumatology with simple but potent interventions upon the human electromagnetic field creates a breakthrough never before seen in psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy. All depth psychotherapists, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, trauma treatment specialists, existential psychotherapists and spiritually oriented psychotherapists looking for more effective, rapid, humane and gentle ways to midwife even their most disturbed clients toward peak functioning would be wise to receive training in Seemorg Matrix Work .
David Gruder, Ph.D.
You’ve got to consider this method very seriously, because it’s not only effective but quite thorough and comprehensive.
Fred Zufferey
….this is the piece I have been looking for after years of psychotherapy practice to do more for my patients and complete their treatment.
Ingrid Pacey, Psychiatrist, MMBS, FRCP(C)
I can’t close here without special mention of Asha Clinton’s Seemorg Matrix Workshop, which I did attend. I want everyone to know about Seemorg Matrix Work® now that I’ve seen it in action. I’ve already had requests to please bring Asha to Toronto for her full training.
Sharon E Toole, Ph.D
Hi Asha…I just wanted to let you know how valuable I found Seemorg Matrix Work®. (It) is substantial and depth oriented…. I think Seemorg Matrix Work® will attract the better, more experienced practitioners and distinguish itself as the most complete of the energy techniques as well as a new approach in psychotherapy, in general. I guess you can tell I’m excited about it!
Eben Loewenthal, MA, CSW, NCC, LPC

After having 10 sessions of AIT with Asha Clinton, the traumatic psychological pattern behind my cancer and recurrences became clear. After we treated it using the AIT Cancer Work protocols, I felt an immense inner shift. I saw my whole life though a different lens. The relief and understanding that this brought was a jolt of grace. And less than one month later, a PET scan showed no cancer in my body.
You can believe that I will continue to do AIT work to address any other traumas that, like cancer, can pop up in my body and ruin my health; in my psyche and invade my relationships; and in my spirit and destroy my general well-being.
Amanda Joy
In November, 2015 a cat scan I was getting for another reason showed a large nodule on my left thyroid. It had three tumor markers. The ENT and Endocrinologist wanted me to have it surgically removed quickly. I approached this nodule alternatively using several methods: Frankincense oil, Indian herb, some imagery, energy healing with Harry Kalajian and AIT Caner Work with Asha Clinton. While Asha and I were discovering and treating the psychological and spiritual causes of the thyroid nodule, it did not get larger, nor did the markers increase. This March (2016) I had a needle biopsy done and the results were benign. I attribute the benign results to all of the work I did. The growth I gained from the AIT Cancer Work was amazing to me. The results are no cancer, extensive personal growth, and learning a great deal about the psychology of cancer.
For more than 10 years we have been running a psychosomatic hospital with in-patients suffering from various disorders such as Depression, Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, OCD, Dependencies, Eating Disorders and all kinds of Psychosomatic Disorders.
Dagmar and Fide Ingwersen
We became aquainted with Dr.Asha Clinton when she presented AIT on a European Congress in autumn 2007. We immediately realised that AIT would be a missing link in our systemic concept integrating psychodynamic, behavioural and hypno-systemic approaches, body therapy and other energetic psychotherapies.
So far 90% of our therapeutical staff has been trained in AIT and love to integrate AIT to the best of our patients with great success.
AIT is especially helpful by its approach to find underlying origins of illness, conflicts or discomforts, and then to work with the connection to the present problem.
AIT’s extraordinally effective protocols combining concepts of Energy Psychology, Depth Psychology, Behavioural Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy and its special trauma treatment approach not only offer rapid relief for a large range of patients. Additionally AIT helps clients to enter a deep process of personal development and transformation.
We would not want to miss AIT in our clinical programme.
Advanced Integrative Therapy changed my life. When I sought the help of AIT (at that time it was called Seemorg Matrix Work), I had already been through years of talk therapy. Though all that therapy helped me immensely, it did not remove the constant low-grade state of anxiety and the limitations I still felt in my life as a result of childhood abuse. After only a few months of AIT, and not even weekly sessions, I felt a huge weight lift from me and felt free for the first time. That was a year and a half ago and my life has only continued to get better. What a gift!
Stephanie Marohn

Amongst the many excellent energy psychology modalities that have developed in recent years, AIT stands out for its depth and comprehensive nature. Asha Clinton’s inspired contribution has been to identify the origins and core psycho-energetic structures that underpin the anxieties, inhibitions, and distortions of personality that blight so many lives. Building upon Asha’s original insights and techniques, AIT has continued to develop, deepening and broadening its application to many different areas of psychological, physical, and spiritual distress.
Phil Mollon
I am writing to provide a recommendation for Asha Clinton, MSW, PhD. I first became acquainted with Dr. Clinton when I participated in the Basic Seemorg Matrix training class in May of 2006. The modality I began to learn there has since been renamed Advanced Integrative Therapy. Since that time, I have taken four additional three-day seminars with her. I have also participated in three series of telephone consultation classes. Dr. Clinton is one of the most accomplished and effective teachers I have experienced in over thirty years of taking professional trainings. Her materials are clear, organized and easy to follow. She conducts demonstrations with clarity and in a manner that not only educates the class, but also serves to genuinely assist the individual participating.
Dr. Clinton’s depth of knowledge is extensive, and her ability to clearly elucidate material of substantial complexity is remarkable. She welcomes questions, and provides clear answers, often elaborating beyond the original query. She is open to discussion and contributions from class members with additional knowledge which may complement her own.
As you can see, I cannot recommend Dr. Clinton highly enough. I have not only learned material that has been enormously useful personally and in my practice, but find myself returning to the materials frequently and learning more each time.
Kathryn A. Hynes, MS
AIT’s Depth Seminar has been one of those tools that every therapist is looking for in their career. It gave me a way to understand my client’s stuckness and work it through.
Murray Armstrong MSW, RSW