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Aplication of AIT in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Orientation and Self-care in the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Application of Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) Trauma Treatment for Psychotherapeutic Practitioners

By Dr Asuka Yamashina
AIT Teacher and Supervisor, Chartered Counselling Psychologist

In consultation with Dr Asha Clinton (Developer of AIT) and Ruth Pimenta (AIT teacher), I have put together an e-booklet as a free resource for psychotherapeutic practitioners (including those not trained in AIT). It is a guide on how to use AIT (in a simplified form to treat current traumas) for their own self-care, in the context of the COVID-19 crisis where many of the unhealed past traumas are triggered and resurfacing as current difficulties. It presents the main traumatic themes of the pandemic and gives examples of treatment areas and phrases, as well as reframing the crisis as an opportunity for further growth.

The booklet represents how I reflect on the pandemic situation and how I integrate AIT into my psychotherapeutic practice as an AIT therapist, and is not intended as ‘the right way’ to do AIT or representing the official views of the AIT Institute.

​Please scroll down to view it on this page or press the button to open it on a new webpage.​

Asuka Yamashina
April 2020


​Table of Contents

Preface 5

​Psychological challenges of COVID-19 6

Unmet needs create fear and anxiety 6

Shock, grief and fear about the sudden loss of the world we knew 7

​Introduction to AIT theory and its stress reduction technique 11

How the AIT theory of trauma illuminates healing in the pandemic 11

AIT’s energetic trauma release 13

AIT Opening of the Heart Meditation 18

Strengthening positive qualities and beliefs with AIT energy treatment 19

AIT Centering Meditation 21

Protecting yourself from burnout 22

Preserving our energy while the world is encroached by death 22

Filling ourselves with healing and regenerative emotional frequencies 24

Being filled with love and peace in the eye of the storm 26

COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity for healing and growth 27

Our shared priorities in re-orientation through the crisis 27

Reaffirmation of hope, dreams, joy, peace and love 30

Appendix: Further resources on AIT and its seminars

CLICK HERE to Download the PDF FILE Booklet COVID-19