Advanced Integrative Therapy Basic Seminar: Deep, Lasting Trauma Treatment
Teacher: Asha Clinton, LCSW, PdD
Monday & Tuesday, May 6-7 · 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Name and locate the 13 energy centers that AIT uses to treat trauma.
- Identify the 3 steps of which 3-Step Transformation is comprised.
- Name the 7 steps of the AIT order of treatment.
- Identify the 2 AIT methods by which negative core beliefs can be lastingly energetically transformed into positive, realistic core beliefs.
- Describe AIT’s definition of trauma.
- Identify 4 positive qualities that frequently need development in clients.
- Identify the 2 major parts of the human psyche in AIT theory.
- Name the 5 major AIT meditations.
- Name 5 of the most frequently treated traumatic patterns.
- Identify 3 psychological disorders for which AIT has specially developed treatments.

More information:

Asha Clinton, LCSW, PhD, began to develop Advanced Integrative Therapy in 1999, and has created 14
AIT seminars. She is internationally known as an excellent presenter, for her skill in treating trauma, psychogenic illness, and spiritual impasse, and for her humanitarian aid work.

Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) is a gentle, powerful, psychodynamic, body-centered, transpersonal, new therapy the lastingly removes trauma-induced emotional, physical and spiritual symptoms as well as life-long repetitive traumatic patterns and destructive beliefs. Developer Asha Clinton, MSW, PhD, posits that trauma is the cause of most human suffering. AIT treatment brings lightness and hope to trauma victims by offering lasting, deep relief and healing. Not only does AIT remove the aftereffects of a trauma and strengthen the individual by strengthening their ego, but it also instills positive qualities and productive beliefs.
If you need information about this seminar, please contact us: [email protected]m