KARY BENNETT, MA, CN, LCHC Stowe, VT 802-343-4796 Web: Mail: [email protected] Certified Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) practitioner, supervisor; and AIT Basics instructor. My work’s passion lies in my belief that the body and mind are deeply connected; therefore, the emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of each individual need to be balanced for growth and healing to occur. I am trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy; psychodynamic therapy; body-centered techniques; mindfulness; EMDR; Gestalt; and AIT. In my 19 years of practice, I have found AIT to be the most effective therapeutic approach for facilitating deep and profound healing. AIT liberates us from the conscious and unconscious traumas that limit is from living a full life. Without traumatic blockages, we are empowered to live life in alignment with our authentic truth. If you desire to live you authentic to truth, I’d love to work with you and assist you along your path! In addition to in-person treatment and supervision, I am available via a secure, HIPPA compliant internet platform.
MICHELLE BINFORD Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala. [email protected] Teléfono: (502) 2339-4896 Psicóloga Clínica, Maestría en Estudios de Género. Especialidades desde AIT: trauma, trastornos de ansiedad (TOC, TAG, TEPT) Arquetipos. Posibilidad de recibir la terapia en inglés o español, en modo presencial o electrónica.
LISA BOWKER Providence, RI 401-261-8337 [email protected]
Certified Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) Practitioner, Teacher & Supervisor. Freedom from trauma means releasing each of the ways a painful experience has affected you, and nourishing what never got a chance to grow. AIT helps you do both in a gentle way! I’m passionate about helping people to embark on the courageous journey of inner transformation and to overcome difficult, often chronic issues. Using AIT with clients over the past 16 years, I’ve come to understand that an extraordinary life starts with opening your heart. I’m available for AIT supervision in person, by phone and online via Zoom. I’d love to support you in deepening your AIT skills as well as completing your AIT certification requirements.
ASHA CLINTON Lee, MA [email protected] See Asha’s Bio Here
RUTH CORDOVA Atlanta, GA [email protected] I am a psychologist from Guatemala who specialized in Gestalt Therapy in Argentina. I have been utilizing AIT in my practice since 2004 and have studied other therapies including EMDR and Thetahealing. I am an AIT teacher and supervisor. I am available for private sessions or through Skype or Facetime.

Berlin, Germany.
[email protected]
Phone: +49 179 77 362 07
Diplom Psychologin, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin (Psychotherapeutenkammer Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie Berlin)
After more than 30 years as a psychotherapist and a lot of valuable training courses I found in AIT an innovative clear methodology for the treatment of body, mind and psyche. AIT treats gently and effectively originating traumas, their consequences (current symptoms) and the connection between both on an emotional, cognitive and spiritual level and integrates different approaches.
Clinical areas and client group: Children, Youngsters, Families, Couples, Adults, Supervision, Specialized in the treatment of Traumata (single incident & complex, developmental) and the aftermaths: e.g. DID, PTSD, Anxiety, Attachment Disorders and/or Psychosomatic Pain
Languages: German/English
MARILYN DOUGALL Woodland Park CO 719-687-8848 [email protected]
RENATO ERAZO Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala [email protected] +502 5631 0739 Psicólogo especializado en clínica, Especialista en trauma y abuso sexual. Maestro y supervisor AIT (seminario básico), terapeuta AIT, especializado en seminarios: MAP, Presencia y disociación, tratamiento multicausal de enfermedades, Lo profundo (trabajo arquetípico), Apego: Teoría y Tratamiento, Tratamiento de ansiedad: TOC y TAG, Estructura de carácter AIT para trastornos de personalidad, Tratando al espíritu herido y Tratamiento del trauma histórico con AIT. Tratamiento de: Fobias, trastorno de ansiedad generalizada, trastorno obsesivo compulsivo, depresión, trastornos de personalidad en general, trauma complejos y de desarrollo, disociación, conductas y emociones difíciles de solucionar y manejar, inseguridades, autoestima, traumas espirituales, y con arquetipos. Psicoterapia con adultos, niños, niñas y adolescentes. Procesos de acompañamiento familiares desde la intervención de Disciplina positiva. Modalidades terapia presencial y en línea (teleterapia) en idiomas Español e ingles.

Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: +502 5318-1915
Dr. Forno is a General Physician and Public Health Specialist with an active medical license in Guatemala. For the past 15 years, she has specialized in integrative therapies including AIT, Biological Decoding, Psycogenealogy, Bioneuroemotion (BNE), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and Trauma Tapping. Dr. Forno is a certified AIT therapist, Basic AIT Teacher, and Basic AIT & MAP Supervisor. She completed the following AIT seminars: AIT Basics, MAP, Presence & Dissociation, Attachment, Depths, Anxiety Disorders: OCD &GAD, PTSD, Multicausal Illness, Cancer Prevention & Treatment, and Treating the Wounded Spirit. Presently, Dr. Forno lives in Guatemala City and provides online AIT sessions in English and Spanish for people with cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic diseases. She also teaches online workshops on AIT treatment plans for adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and, for the projected life purpose (PLP), and provides Basic & MAP supervision sessions for AIT therapists in English and Spanish.

VIRGINIA AMELIA LUVIANO BOSDET Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico. [email protected] Página web: Teléfono: +52 1 (555) 419-5416 Licenciada en Psicología Clínica. Maestría en Psicología Clínica y estudios de Doctorado en la Universidad Iberoamericana de México. Maestría y Diplomado en Constelaciones Familiares, Instituto Bert Hellinger de México y Universidad Autónoma de México. Manejo de familia, Trabajo con el Sistema Familiar, Manejo de ansiedad y estrés; estrés postraumático con manejo de emociones y AIT. Pareja comunicación y conflictos de relación. Trabajé en grupos de empresas gubernamentales y privadas para el manejo de emociones, autoestima y comunicación. En México, en Honduras en la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana. Zamorano. Relaciones Autoestima y comunicación.

[email protected]
Terapia AIT (Advanced Integrative Theraphy) y EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), desarrollo de herramientas de sanación ancestral y de desarrollo espiritual a través de la sabiduría del pueblo Maya de Guatemala. Procesos de Sanación Comunitaria Ancestral e Integrativa a través del Arte en situaciones de Estrés Post-Traumático. Apego y enfermedades psicogénicas. Disponible para trabajar en modo presencial en España o a través de plataformas online (Skype o Zoom).

KAMBRA MEYER, LPC,LCAS Asheville NC 828 367-7077 [email protected] As a trained Art Therapist, I have always valued the unconscious as a force of healing potential. AIT unlocks messages from the unconscious to help us remove blocks that get in our way. Exploring AIT both personally and professionally has convinced me of its ability to transform struggle and trauma of all kinds into resilience and vitality of the human spirit. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist and have an MA in Art Therapy. I have over a decade’s experience helping people heal, blending a variety of creative and expressive therapeutic approaches with evidence-based interventions to meet the individual needs of the people I serve. I specialize in trauma, am certified in AIT, am trained in EMDR and EFT, and AIT remains my favorite approach. To me, therapy is a collaborative journey and I will always consider the whole person, drawing upon each client’s strengths and intrinsic health. I truly believe in the healing power of Advanced Integrative Therapy and have witnessed it benefit people of all ages and all levels of suffering. So, whether it’s with me or another provider, I strongly encourage you to give it a try!
VANIA MARIA MORALES Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala [email protected] Trauma Histórico y Transgeneracional, Arquetipos, Género y Masculinidad.

Email: [email protected]
Phone (504) 323-5052
I am constantly amazed by the gentleness and thoroughness of AIT. This is why I use it primarily in my practice, and why I am on the AITI Research Committee as well as an AIT teacher. I enjoy helping new AIT practitioners increase their confidence in utilizing this modality! If you would like to deepen your practice as an AIT therapist, consider AIT supervision as a support!
FRANCOIS REY MONTPELLIER, FRANCE TAP (Transactional Analysis Practitioner), AIT practitioner, teacher & supervisor Mail: [email protected] Web: I promote a gentle & caring approach, at client’s own speed. Trauma treatment with AIT has become the main focus of my work, it has been a powerful way to heal clients emotionally, mentally, physically as well as spiritually. My holistic approach to treat traumas is a tailor made and balanced blend of both TA and AIT. My 8 years of experience using both modalities, my Muti-cultural background, my training with highly skilled professionals have shown benefits to clients in treating and resolving issues & traumas such as anxiety, phobias, chronic health conditions and more. Trained in both France and the USA, I have had the privilege to have trainers such as Dr Asha Clinton, Dr Vann Joines, Sylvie Nay & Elyane Alleyson. I am a certified AIT practitioner, teacher & supervisor. I offer live sessions in my private practice in Montpellier as well as online sessions and a free initial online consultation.

GLADYS RUBIO DE GONZÁLEZ Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala. [email protected] Teléfono: (502) 5318-5818 Psicóloga Clínica, Maestría en Consejería Psicológica. Mi trabajo consiste en acompañar a la persona a reconectarse con esta habilidad que le ayuda a disminuir su sufrimiento y mejorar su bienestar, utilizando de base AIT y apoyándome de las otras herramientas que me ayudan a entender mejor a la persona.

STELLA VIAUD DE SOUNDY El Salvador, San Salvador [email protected] Trastornos de Apego, Trastornos de Estrés Post Traumático, Estructuras de Carácter.
CATHERINE VARINO New Orleans LA 504-841-0596 [email protected]

ASUKA YAMASHINA Chartered Counselling Psychologist (HCPC, BPS and BACP registered) Phone: 07465440543 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Practice location: Central London (EC1V) I combine psychodynamic, humanistic and body-oriented psychotherapy insights with AIT, and collaboratively explore ways to resolve obstacles at all levels, psychological, physical and spiritual. Qualification: DCounsPsy Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology BPS registered Applied Psychology Service Supervisor. Therapeutic modality: Integrative, AIT, Dynamic Energetic Healing Clinical areas and client group: Adult individuals and couples. All issues related to trauma, including relational issues, physical symptoms not responding well to medical treatment, and spiritual or existential issues.